Jerry Mathis thebeaver32
Thu May 12 15:46:27 CDT 2005

And when we do speak, they don't listen. Two words: Frequency coordination.

Jerry Mathis
Clear Channel Radio, Tupelo & Meridian MS

>From: Alan Alsobrook <radiotech at bellsouth.net>
>Reply-To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>Subject: Re: [BC] SBE
>Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 07:15:20 -0700
>All the time I see people on this list saying something along the lines of 
>"if the FCC would listen to the engineers"  Well if we the engineers don't 
>say something how can they even have the opportunity to listen?
>Mario Hieb, P.E. wrote:
>>Perhaps somebody on this list can explain to me why SBE is spending so 
>>much time (and member dues) on FCC related issues. How many SBE members 
>>own station licenses? Isn't this the sort of thing that the NAB, and not 
>>SBE, should be doing? Or are NAB and SBE one and the same today??
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