[BC] Another Shoe drops

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Tue May 10 11:01:23 CDT 2005

Lamar Owen wrote:
> Why not flac?  That means it's Yet Another Codec for them to support.

The codec in question _is_ FLAC.... it's just put in the Ogg container,
much like how AAC is put in the MP4 container.

It is impossible for Ogg Vorbis (the lossy codec) to go as high as 750
kbps... it tops out around 450-500 kbps.  Ogg FLAC is the lossless codec
which does average in the 600-800 kbps range, and that's what they're
using, as I explained here earlier (see my post "Ogg FLAC lossless

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