[BC] Broadcast Flag Lowered

Rich Wood richwood
Sun May 8 19:38:05 CDT 2005

------ At 03:56 PM 5/8/2005, Ron Castro wrote: -------

>You might be surprised, Rich, but I agree with you on this one (call the 

My first thought was to dial 911.

>As a conservative, I believe in free enterprise and competition, but there 
>has to be some controlling factor for when a market place gets tied up by 
>too few players who can keep any effective competition at bay.  Tivo's, 
>downloading, etc. is simply the market reacting to an unfair market place.

This may surprise you, too, but I believe in those things. Part of radio's 
problem is the lack of competition or competition that dominates so much of 
the market no one else has a chance. The incentive against those odds is 
hard to muster.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-303-9084
FAX: 413-480-0010

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