[BC] Broadcast Flag Lowered

Rich Wood richwood
Sun May 8 00:21:53 CDT 2005

------ At 12:02 PM 5/6/2005, DANA PUOPOLO wrote: -------

>No biggie. All it means is that they have to bribe er - 'convince' Congress to
>create designer legislation mandating this.
>After all, it benefits everyone - right?
>Just ask Ron, he'll tell you...

I think the financial incentives just didn't work this time. After all, 
copyright law allows us to make a copy for our personal use. I realize Ron 
will consider us Commie Pinko Liberals for wanting to do such a thing, but 
I have a Tivo and time-shift often. I'd do it even if the Tivo were digital.

I don't like theft of intellectual property or hackers who create 
destructive software, but they're becoming more and more necessary as 
companies prevent us from doing things the law says we can. In the days of 
vinyl I knew many people who would make tape copies of new records and 
store the record to prevent damage. I'm sure it would have taken some 13 
year old a day or two to break the code and render the whole protection 
scheme obsolete, except for honest people who wouldn't think of 
distributing copies. I think there are a few of us left.

As I said on another list, you can never be sure a cherry-picked right wing 
judge can be relied on to do your bidding.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-303-9084
FAX: 413-480-0010

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