[BC] iBiquity was Digital Radio Express

KNCN674@aol.com KNCN674
Sat May 7 10:17:24 CDT 2005

All I can say is  a-men !!!   As a former IC design manager  at Motorola, the 
plan Ibiquity is passing off is no more than the reworked 20 year old ATT  
IBAC system. We worked with them for several years. It was indeed like working 
with the mob. Big bucks, big egos and a total lack of ethics. I wanted to take 
a shower after the meetings. This system is so flawed it is hard to understand 
how even todays "catalog" engineers can be fooled. A recent meeting with a 
NPR RF engineer revealed that, while preparing for an install an IBOC 
transmitter, they had no idea how the system worked and what effect, if any, it would 
have on their translator network. Yea, many have been fooled, more coming to the 
slaughter. I hope the small non-corporate broadcasters that still out number 
the "big guys" can bond together and stop this nonsense. DRE may well be a 
good alternative. Once field tests are completed we will know. For now we must 
hope that Ibiquity will not be able to get the FCC to lock in their system and 
mandate conversion. A mandate will, however, clear out alot of owners and 
channels for  CCU and alike to pick up - naw -- !!


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