[BC] OTS Support

Goran Tomas goran.tomas
Sun May 1 10:24:40 CDT 2005

--- At 01.05.2005.w 11:01, Mike Erickson wrote: ---
>I've never had a problem with jocks playing with the EQ or Compression
>features.  Most barely can operate a light switch, let alone figure
>THAT out.

You are lucky!!

My jock will mess up EVERYTHING there is to mess up... The only way I could 
get without problems is to make a separate, heavy user-restricted account 
in Windows. I just left them with desktop and shortcuts to several programs 
they use and shortcuts to file server for music, jingles and news cuts. 
Nothing else.

Despite all of this, one of them managed to turn the volume in Winamp 
practically all the way down and again I got a call on weekend... Luckily 
that could be disabled within WinAmp and once I did that, I had no problems 
since (knock on wood).

Goran Tomas 

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