[BC] Which is it?...

Wed Jul 13 15:52:03 CDT 2005

Let's see...that's that's 30 billion in the plus column. now let's subtract
this year's 120+ billion deficit...

-90 billion dollars!

Mr. Bush, I'd MUCH RATHER you stop these deficits (like your precedessor was
able to do), then hoodwink us with sweetheart deals for your buddies like
these auctions...


------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:13:14 AM PDT
From: "Burt I. Weiner" <biwa at earthlink.net>
To: broadcast at radiolists.net
Subject: [BC] Which is it?...

Seems like their speaking out of both sides of their face.

Regarding analog TV channels:
Meanwhile, lawmakers are eager to reclaim the analog airwaves to improve 
public safety radio communication. Congress also wants to auction the 
spectrum to wireless high-speed Internet services. Such an auction is 
expected to raise up to $30 billion for federal coffers.

Sounds like 'Bait and Switch " to me.


Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.
biwa at earthlink.net

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